crossorigin="anonymous"> Roza Kholne Ki Dua In Urdu [Roza Iftar ki Dua] -

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Roza Kholne Ki Dua In Urdu [Roza Iftar ki Dua]

Roza Kholne Ki Dua: Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is an essential practice for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of self-reflection, spiritual growth, and increased devotion to Allah. Fasting requires abstaining from food, drink, and other worldly desires from dawn until sunset.

The act of opening the fast holds great importance, and Muslims recite a specific prayer known as “Roza Kholne Ki Dua” to mark this moment. This article explores the significance and meaning behind this heartfelt supplication.

Roza Kholne Ki Dua

Understanding the Essence of Ramadan:

Before delving into the Roza Kholne Ki Dua, it is crucial to understand the essence of Ramadan. It is a month of self-discipline, self-control, and empathy towards others. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, engaging in acts of worship, and charity, and seeking closeness to Allah.

The Act of Opening the Fast:

As the sun sets and the time for iftar (the evening meal to break the fast) arrives, Muslims recite the Roza Kholne Ki Dua. This dua is a beautiful way to express gratitude to Allah for providing sustenance after a day of fasting and seeking His blessings.

Roza Kholne Ki Dua

The Words of the Dua:

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua is recited in Arabic and is often translated as, “Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu” which means, “O Allah, I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance.”

Expressing Gratitude

By reciting this dua, Muslims acknowledge that their ability to fast and their sustenance comes from Allah alone. It serves as a reminder to express gratitude for the blessings received during the day and for the nourishment to break the fast.

Roza Kholne Ki Dua

Faith and Trust in Allah

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua also reflects a deep sense of faith and trust in Allah. By proclaiming belief in Him while opening the fast, Muslims affirm their unwavering conviction in His existence, guidance, and provision.

Connecting with the Divine

Opening the fast is an opportune moment to establish a connection with Allah. The Roza Kholne Ki Dua serves as a means to communicate with Him, seeking His blessings, forgiveness, and acceptance of one’s fasting.

Roza Kholne Ki Dua

A Moment of Reflection

Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua before breaking the fast allows Muslims to pause and reflect on the spiritual journey they undertook throughout the day. It is a time for self-assessment, repentance, and seeking closeness to Allah.

Seeking Forgiveness:

Fasting is not only a physical act but also a spiritual one. Muslims seek forgiveness for their shortcomings, sins, and mistakes during their fasts. The Roza Kholne Ki Dua serves as a humble plea for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

Strengthening Self-Discipline

The act of reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua instills a sense of self-discipline and self-control. It reminds Muslims to continue practicing restraint and mindfulness even after opening their fast, carrying the spirit of fasting throughout their daily lives.

Unity and Brotherhood

Muslims around the world share a common bond during Ramadan. Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua together in mosques, homes, and communities fosters a sense of unity, brotherhood, and collective worship.

Spreading Generosity

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua also serves as a reminder to share one’s blessings with others. Ramadan emphasizes acts of charity, kindness, and generosity. Muslims are encouraged to extend their support to those in need, embodying the true spirit of the holy month.

{FAQs} about the Dua for Opening the Fast (Roza Kholne Ki Dua)

Is there a specific etiquette or recommended time to recite the Roza Kholne Ki Dua?

It is recommended to recite the dua at the time of opening the fast, immediately after sunset. However, if one forgets or misses reciting it at that moment, they can still recite it later with the intention of opening their fast.

Can the Roza Kholne Ki Dua be recited outside of Ramadan?

Although the dua is specifically associated with opening the fast in Ramadan, Muslims can recite similar supplications expressing gratitude, faith, and seeking blessings from Allah at any time of the year.

Can the Roza Kholne Ki Dua be recited in a congregation?

Yes, Muslims often recite the Roza Kholne Ki Dua in a congregation, especially in mosques or during iftar gatherings. It fosters a sense of unity, and collective worship, and strengthens the community bond.

Is it necessary to recite the Roza Kholne Ki Dua to open the fast?

While reciting the dua is highly recommended, it is not mandatory to open the fast. It is a spiritual practice that many Muslims choose to follow as a way of expressing gratitude and seeking blessings.

Can the Roza Kholne Ki Dua be recited silently?

Yes, the dua can be recited silently or quietly. The intention and sincerity behind the recitation are more important than the volume of the voice.

How many times should the Roza Kholne Ki Dua be recited?

There is no specific number of times the dua needs to be recited. Muslims usually recite it once at the time of opening their fast, but they can also recite it more if they wish to.

Can the Roza Kholne Ki Dua be recited in any language?

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua is traditionally recited in Arabic, as it is the language of the Quran. However, if one does not understand Arabic, one can recite the dua in their native language with a proper understanding of its meaning.

What is the significance of reciting this dua?

Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua holds deep spiritual significance. It signifies gratitude for Allah’s provisions, affirms faith and trust in Him, seeks forgiveness for shortcomings, and serves as a means to establish a connection with the Divine.

Why is the Roza Kholne Ki Dua recited?

The dua is recited to acknowledge Allah’s blessings and express gratitude for the sustenance received after a day of fasting. It is also a way to seek forgiveness, strengthen faith, and establish a connection with the Divine.

What is the Roza Kholne Ki Dua?

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua is a specific prayer recited by Muslims at the time of opening their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. It is a supplication expressing gratitude, faith, and seeking blessings from Allah.


The iftar ki dua holds great significance in the lives of Muslims, symbolizing gratitude, faith, and connection with Allah. It serves as a powerful reminder of the spiritual journey undertaken during Ramadan and encourages individuals to cultivate self-discipline, unity, and generosity. As Muslims recite this dua, they seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness, carrying the essence of fasting beyond the month of Ramadan into their everyday lives.

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